Suffolk Punch...
For our first horse design we ventured into our neighbouring county of Suffolk, home to the oldest English breed of working horse: the Suffolk Punch! The roots of this gentle giant trace back centuries, with its origins deeply embedded in the farming landscape. Sadly this beautiful horse is now critically endangered, with less than 500 left in the UK.
Trade Enquiries
Are you interested in joining The Humble Hare family as a trade stockist? Please click here to find out more. We would love to hear from you to discuss becoming a Humble Hare stockist! Our trade stockists are at the heart of our family business, sharing our hand-crafted products far and wide.
British Made
We take great pride in designing and manufacturing all of our products right here in the UK, pouring all of our love into each and every piece as we craft them by hand from start to finish. The Humble Hare HQ is based in the middle of the Essex countryside, and we are surrounded by our beautiful British wildlife, which provides oodles of inspiration!